Support the programs in the Visual and Performing Arts!

Like the Arts Organizations all over the world, Covid-19 has caused our program to shut down productions and cancel events losing thousands of dollars in revenue. Your generosity will go to the Citrus College Visual and Performing Arts Program through the Citrus College Foundation to help our students continue their path towards success. Donated funds are used to provide scholarships, tuition assistance, and much needed equipment and supplies for students studying the arts at Citrus College.

Gifts made to the Citrus College Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by current tax laws. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the impact. The Citrus College Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Gifts made to the Foundation are acknowledged with a letter of receipt that may be used with your tax advisor.

Choral Ensemble

Citrus Singers


Instrumental Music


Theater Arts

Visual Arts

Wind Ensemble